How to Do Ripstik Tricks! bestripstik

Ripstik, a popular caster board, offers an exciting and dynamic riding experience. Beyond cruising, learning Ripstik tricks can take your skills to new heights and provide a thrilling showcase of agility and creativity.

Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate rider looking to expand your repertoire, this article will guide you through a variety of Ripstik tricks, breaking down each step to help you master them safely and confidently.

How to Do Ripstik Tricks

  1. Safety First: Before attempting any Ripstik trick, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Wear proper protective gear, including a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards. Find a suitable location, preferably a smooth and obstacle-free surface, away from traffic and pedestrians. It’s also essential to warm up and stretch your muscles to prevent injuries.
  2. Getting Started: Master the Basics To perform Ripstik tricks effectively, you need to have a firm grasp of the board’s basic riding techniques. Practice maintaining balance, pushing off with your back foot, and executing smooth turns. It’s crucial to have a good understanding of weight distribution and how it affects the board’s movement.
  3. The Ollie: The Ollie is a fundamental trick that serves as the foundation for many advanced Ripstik tricks. Follow these steps to master it:
  • A. Begin by riding at a moderate speed and bending your knees slightly.
  • B. Shift your weight towards the back of the board while simultaneously popping the front end of the board with your front foot.
  • C. As the board lifts off the ground, slide your front foot forward to level it out.
  • D. Extend your legs and land with both feet on the board simultaneously.
  • E. Practice this motion until you can execute it smoothly.
  1. The Manual: A manual involves riding on the rear wheels of the Ripstik while keeping the front wheels elevated. Follow these steps:
  1. The Kickflip: The kickflip is an impressive trick that adds a stylish flair to your Ripstik repertoire. Here’s how you can learn it:
  • A. Begin by riding at a moderate speed and position your feet similar to an Ollie.
  • B. As you pop the board, flick your front foot forward and simultaneously drag your back foot towards the edge of the board.
  • C. Allow the board to flip underneath you.
  • D. As the board completes a full rotation, extend your legs and prepare to land.
  • E. Catch the board with your feet and land with both feet simultaneously.
  1. The 180 Spin: The 180 spin is a trick that involves rotating the Ripstik in mid-air while executing a 180-degree turn. Here’s how you can do it:
  • A. Start by riding at a moderate speed and position your feet similar to an Ollie.
  • B. As you pop the board, use your shoulders and upper body to initiate the spin.
  • C. Keep your eyes focused on the board and try to spot your landing.
  • D. As you complete the 180-degree turn, extend your legs and prepare to land.
  • E. Land with both feet simultaneously, maintaining balance and control.
  1. Continuous Tricks: Once you have mastered individual tricks, it’s time to explore combinations and string them together for continuous flow. Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • A. Kickflip to Manual: Begin by executing a kickflip as described earlier. After catching the board with your feet, transition smoothly into a manual by shifting your weight towards the back of the board. Maintain balance and control on the rear wheels while keeping the front wheels elevated. Practice finding the right balance point and gradually extend the length of your manual for an impressive continuous trick.
  • B. 180 Spin to Ollie: Start by performing a 180 spin as outlined previously. As you complete the spin and face the opposite direction, immediately transition into an Ollie. Pop the front end of the board with your front foot, slide your front foot forward to level it out, and land with both feet on the board. This combination showcases your ability to seamlessly connect two tricks in succession.
  • C. Manual to Kickflip: Begin with a manual by shifting your weight towards the back wheels and raising the front wheels. While maintaining the manual, execute a kickflip by flicking your front foot forward and dragging your back foot towards the edge of the board. Catch the board with your feet and land with both feet simultaneously, transitioning back into the manual. This combination demonstrates a smooth flow between two different tricks.
  • D. Ollie to 180 Spin: Start by performing an Ollie as described earlier. As you reach the peak of your Ollie, initiate a 180 spin by using your shoulders and upper body to rotate the board. Land the 180 spin and continue riding smoothly. This combination showcases your ability to incorporate a spin into your Ollie, adding a dynamic element to your trick repertoire.

Remember, mastering continuous tricks requires practice, coordination, and fluid transitions between different moves. Start by practicing individual tricks until you feel comfortable executing them consistently. Then, gradually progress to combining them, focusing on smooth transitions and maintaining control throughout.


Learning Ripstik tricks is an exciting journey that allows you to explore your creativity and showcase your skills. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can gradually master a variety of Ripstik tricks, ranging from the fundamental Ollie to more advanced maneuvers like kickflips and spins.

Remember to prioritize safety, wear appropriate protective gear, and practice in a suitable environment. With practice, dedication, and a willingness to push your limits, you’ll be able to perform impressive continuous tricks on your Ripstik, delighting both yourself and those who witness your skills.

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